6 Smart Ways You Can Travel Safely On Your Spring Break

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During your Spring Break travels, your safety during the pandemic is the top priority. In a post-2020 world, there are new travel regulations to help travelers like you stay safe.

Most airlines and destinations require you to test negative for COVID-19 before and after traveling. Some places require that you wear masks at all times in public places.

It can feel overwhelming to navigate these travel changes. So, here are some tips to help you stay safe and enjoy your Spring Break trip during the pandemic.

1. Pack extra face masks and hand sanitizer

6 Smart Ways You Can Travel Safely On Your Spring Break

According to UCSF Patient Care, wearing masks can drastically reduce the risk of spreading or contracting a disease. Here is an article from John Hopkins about how masks help and what type may be best for you.

You can purchase a few that match your style or buy bulk medical masks for your trip. Try to pack enough masks and spares for each day you are traveling.

Restaurants, hotels, and other locations sometimes offer hand sanitizer. It’s much easier to stock up on travel-sized hand sanitizer. You can choose ones with pleasant scents that soothe you.

There’s no guarantee that your location will have affordable hand sanitizer. If you can, purchase extra before your trip. You can clip yours to your keychain, keep it in your pocket, or store it in your bag.

2. Always follow travel restrictions

Countries are battling the spread of the virus through travel restrictions. Some countries have totally restricted travel. A few days before your trip, you can check the news from your destination to make sure they are still open for travel.

Many Caribbean countries are now open to tourists. Some require a two-week quarantine on entry into the country. Other countries have a strict curfew or restrictions on gatherings. Most airlines and many destinations require that you wear a mask at all times in public places.

If you don’t want to follow these restrictions, it’s best to select a different destination. Here are five sources where you can check the restrictions in your chosen destination:

3. Safely enjoy the sun, sand, and water

A beach is a gorgeous place where you can relax and enjoy nature. Your wellbeing is still important in and near the immense ocean.

According to the American Safety Council, 70% of deaths during recreational water activities involved alcohol consumption. If you’re drinking, stick to non-alcoholic beverages or choose not to drink alcohol.
Check for posted warnings about dangerous sea life. Don’t leave the beach with strangers, and try to travel in small groups.

Remember to keep your skin protected from sunburn. After you’ve been out in the sun, try to avoid tanning beds. Once you get the tan you love, wear sunscreen to protect your skin from extra UV rays.

Here are some tips on how to safely enjoy the sun:

  • Reapply your SPF 15 or higher sunscreen every 30 minutes
  • Use waterproof sunscreen if you are swimming
  • Wear your hats, sunglasses, and protective clothing like swim shirts
  • Skip the tanning salons before your trip

4. Maintain your distance

Maintain a distance

You can still safely meet new people on your trip.
At the beach, find space that is at least six feet away from groups you did not travel with. Wear a mask when you enter and exit the beach.

When you arrive at your hotel, wipe down commonly used areas before getting settled. Avoid crowded pools, hot tubs, or seating areas. In the gym, wipe down your fitness equipment before you use it.

If you’re dining out, select outdoor seating. Before you eat there, make sure the restaurant follows social distancing and cleaning protocols. Avoid attending mass events like festivals or parties. These events are hotspots for the pandemic and can be dangerous.

If you are enjoying the nightlife, stay with your travel group. Stay away from places that are packed with people. The CDC recommends staying two arms’ length away from people who did not travel in your group.

Carry your hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes to public locations. Try not to interact with high-touch surfaces. If you do touch public surfaces, be sure to wash your hands.

5. Buy travel insurance

Travel insurance protects you and your items while you travel. It is an excellent investment in case of unforeseen circumstances such as unexpected injury or illness during your trip. Purchasing a reliable travel insurance policy can make the difference between a stressful trip and an enjoyable one.

Consider your available travel insurance before you go on your trip. Understand what your policy offers for general travel and medical coverage. When you book your trip, you may be able to purchase excess baggage protection for an additional fee.

Travel insurance policies can cover medical expenses, lost funds, and items lost or damaged during your trip. Read your policy and talk to your agent, so you can fully understand the risks and coverage before purchasing travel insurance.

No one wants to be unprepared for an emergency. Be sure to research and compare travel insurance rates online before your trip.

6. Make sure everyone in your travel group is healthy

Airlines and countries require you to produce a negative COVID-19 test.

These tests help keep everyone safe and prevent you from staying in extended quarantine. The CDC advises that you get tested within 1-3 days of your trip.

It’s essential to be vigilant about personal hygiene and avoid contact with people who may have the virus. Adapt your itinerary so that you avoid crowded areas.

Some places require you to check your temperature at their point of entry. If you want to take your temperature each day, you can use a digital thermometer. Digital thermometers are easy to use and work fast. It is not advisable to stay in the same room with someone who has a highly contagious virus. If you see or hear someone in your group that is sick, alert someone else in the group and encourage them to seek immediate medical attention.

StudentCity is helping you celebrate Spring Break

StudentCity Spring Break

Dealing with all of these changes on your own may seem challenging. That’s why StudentCity wants to help you celebrate Spring Break 2025! StudentCity is the Student Travel industry leader. We have been committed to providing high-value student trips for 30 years. More than 400,000 students have traveled with us to amazing destinations. Have a look at our new Spring Break 2025 packages to Panama City Beach, Mexico, and Nassau, Bahamas.

On your trip, StudentCity staff is available 24/7 at your destination and in the office. Call us or contact one of us in person at any time during your journey. Check out our details to see how we plan hassle-free StudentCity trips.

We know how important flexibility is, especially during these times. StudentCity offers custom payment plans. If you become unable to travel for any reason, we offer a name change option. That means someone who hasn’t signed up may go on the trip instead.
Let us help you take your stress away with a magical visit to an adventure in the sun, sand, and sea. Start planning your trip with StudentCity today.

*ATTENTION STUDENTCITY TRAVELERS: The safety tips in this blog are intended as general travel awareness at the time of publishing. StudentCity will offer specific travel requirements, safety info and government guidelines for your destination prior to your actual trip.